SCHA Employers

SCHA helps your organization navigate the process of hiring justice-impacted individuals.

The SCHA provides employers with:

  • Information on D.C. government benefits and protections for second chance employers;
  • Best practices in other jurisdictions, and
  • Reasons why second chance hiring is the missing piece to your businesses Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice efforts. 

The SCHA supports employers who are interested in learning about how to implement second chance hiring practices, or expand upon existing practices. By joining the SCHA, D.C.-area employers will have access to a broad network of other local employers, providing networking opportunities, information sharing, and support. 

For employers all across the spectrum, being able to recruit and retain hard working, qualified, and enthusiastic employees is critical. Participating in second chance hiring, and removing traditional barriers to employment for justice-impacted individuals, creates the opportunity for economic security and mobility for justice-impacted residents, but also to build safer and more prosperous communities – a win for all. 

Interested in learning more about implementing second chance hiring at your workplace?